Tanning Beds, Booths, Canopies, Red Light Systems and Parts
The fastest and easiest way to cancel an order is to reply to the instant order confirmation you received when you placed your order online. Just tell us why you need to cancel and we will update the system as soon as possible. You will receive a 100% refund for all orders if we can cancel it with the manufacturer before the shipping process begins. Unfortunately once an order has been fulfilled or shipped you will have to refund or exchange the product based on the conditions below.
How do I return or exchange a Tanning Bed, Booth, Canopy or Parts?
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, our customer service dept. can arrange a return authorization (RMA number) within fifteen days of the receipt of your product. The product must be returned in new, resale-able condition in the original boxes with all the paperwork for a refund, credit, or exchange. Once the product is loaded with a shipping carrier and leaves the warehouse shipping charges are not refundable and customers are responsible for paying all actual shipping costs both ways. The actual cost of shipping may differ from quoted promotional pricing. If you were awarded a free shipping promotion, the actual shipping cost (both ways) will be deducted when receiving a refund or exchange. In addition, the manufacturers also reserve the right to charge a restocking fee of up to 25%. All returns are shipped back to the manufacturer and generally take 2-3 weeks to process the refund or credit. Actual refunds are subject to the manufacturer's policies and subject to change. Please email us for more information if you have questions.
How do I return or exchange a Tanning Bed, Booth, Canopy or Parts?
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, our customer service dept. can arrange a return authorization (RMA number) within fifteen days of the receipt of your product. The product must be returned in new, resale-able condition in the original boxes with all the paperwork for a refund, credit, or exchange. Once the product is loaded with a shipping carrier and leaves the warehouse shipping charges are not refundable and customers are responsible for paying all actual shipping costs both ways. The actual cost of shipping may differ from quoted promotional pricing. If you were awarded a free shipping promotion, the actual shipping cost (both ways) will be deducted when receiving a refund or exchange. In addition, the manufacturers also reserve the right to charge a restocking fee of up to 25%. All returns are shipped back to the manufacturer and generally take 2-3 weeks to process the refund or credit. Actual refunds are subject to the manufacturer's policies and subject to change. Please email us for more information if you have questions.